Wendaway (Uncle Mark and Aunt Wendy's boat) and Rutea (our boat). It was fun having them as neighbors for a few days.
Que colores! La Cruz has a great Sunday market where you can get delicious foods and beautiful artwork, clothing, hats. This is the nuts and candy stand. Best candied walnuts here.
Boat maintenance! During this project I learned how to solder wires, use a volt meter, take apart a bilge pump and swear like a !@#$% sailor (although I'm still working on the last one).
Some fierce sailing action out in Banderas Bay. Fun!!!!
I hope you enjoy these few glimpses into my life... wish you were here! I have an album on Facekook with more pictures... check 'em out if you wanna!
Great pics Cor, checking your blog has become a daily ritual at the Stone house.